Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Long Lost "Sister"

Yeah, it's been awhile. It's been real crazy, since I took this (second) job. Now, I wonder if I have stepped over the line as far as what I am capable of. I have never been quite so tired in all my life. I once went through a tough period when I had to have three jobs, but I am *several* years older and I am afraid that having two jobs is going to kick my butt. We shall see...

But I didn't come to whine. I came to tell you a story about the Long Lost "Sister". When I was 7 or 8 years old, my parents took in a newborn cousin of mine to raise until her mother became able to care for her again. When she was 5 1/2 years old, her mother came for her and I never saw her again. My brother recently found a reference expressing her sympathy for our mother's death on an abandoned weblog of hers. I posted a comment--even though the blog was obviously not being actively maintained--and was really surprised when she emailed me! I had always wondered whatever became of her. It's been really weird. Like finding a long-lost "sister" after more than 30 years!!! I can't tell you how happy I am to have made contact with her! She lives in Missouri and has four children--one of whom is the same age as my daughter.

The link I provided in the title will take you to her current website, Antiquated and Obsessed, where she has posted some photos I sent her from the time she lived with us. Check out her Feb. 20, 2006 entry. (Don't laugh too hard at my glasses--remember the photos were taken in the early 1970's!!)

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