Sunday, January 14, 2007


Happy 2007!

Okay, I'm a couple weeks late. "Resolutions?", you ask. And my first impulse is to ask why anyone should make new year's resolutions?! But then, that thought strikes me as rather cynical, so I decide that resolutions are not really such a bad thing. It's all about reflecting on the year past, admitting what could have been done differently, and setting new (achievable) goals for the coming year.

So, with that thought in mind, here are my resolutions:
1. Practice patience. I am not a patient person, by nature. I am a demanding perfectionist. My husband calls me a "Type A" and tells me I am going to have a heart attack if I don't learn to relax.

2. Forgive. This one's going to be tough, because so much of my adult life has been spent regretting bad decisions that I now feel angry, bitter, and resentful a lot of the time. I have to get past all of that to move forward, don't I? ("Forgetting"--as in forgive and forget-- is not included at this time. Someone once said "History forgotten is history repeated". Not going to go there, I'm just not, but I can forgive.)

3. Be myself. I have spent a lot of my 45 years being who other people needed or expected me to be. I have to be honest with others and myself about who I am.

4. Stay clean and sober! And support my husband in that, as well. We have made some amazing strides this year and only by staying sober can we maintain the momentum!

You will note that I have absolutely no goals to "lose weight" or "get in shape". Yes, I am overweight; and, yes, I need to exercise. But I'm HAPPY right now, in spite of having two jobs and still living with my in-laws, and I think I would be adding to my stress load to add lofty self-improvement goals to my list.

Happy New Year to All.
