Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good Morning!

Good morning! Up early, not sure why. I think it's that old paradox: When you have to be somewhere (work, etc.) your body rebels and refuses to cooperate. On your day off, your eyes will FLY open, even before your alarm usually sounds, and your body screams, "You're wasting your day off!" And instantly, I am fully awake and alert, with no hope of dozing off again.

Mine does that anyway. So, I've learned not to fight it...I just get up and start doing whatever pleases me, in my couple of hours before my spouse wakes up to join me. Which on this day was to play some rounds of my newest game addiction "Words with Friends"--a Scrabble-like game you play with one other person on an iPod or iPhone. Then to check in with my blog (I'm really going to try to do better at updating it) and then I will probably take my walk before it gets too stiflingly steamy outside!

This was a stressful week, but not miserably so. One of my co-workers was on vacation (the receptionist), so the rest of us that make up the clerical staff tag-teamed the front desk. Since school starts again on August 12, in about three weeks, I expect the pressure-cooker atmosphere to reappear. Right now, the stove is on is busy, but not "hectic". That will change.

Hubby didn't get any of the jobs he interviewed for this week, so he is kinda down. I am doing my very best to keep him encouraged, though. Something's gotta give soon, in this economy, right??

And, this really made my week! My daughter is flying home for a long weekend! She will get here on August 11, so I have taken the day off on August 12. Her husband had to work, but he didn't mind her making the trip solo. Yay! We haven't seen her since April, although we talk on the phone nearly every day and keep up with each other on Facebook.

Hope this day is awesome for everyone....


1 comment:

Andrew McAllister said...

I thought you might be interested to hear that I have published my first novel! I've put up a post on To Love, Honor, and Dismay with a description. Hope all is well with you :o)