Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Concert: Styx and Boston

Baton Rouge or BUST! Today is the big concert...Styx and Boston at the Baton Rouge River Center. My husband and I are taking our daughter to see possibly the two best concert bands of the 1970's. She was raised on their music, has several albums and mp3's, knows almost all their's going to be great. We have floor seating 25 rows from the front--we bought our tickets in April! (We all got to see Styx in Houston at the Woodlands Pavilion several years ago, but not with Boston!)

Soooo, we won't think about the car problems we have had this month. Long (very long) story short, we had to put over $1,000 worth of car repairs on our credit card. :-( All three vehicles needed something: we bought brakes (Hubby--$100, incl. installation), harmonic balancer, fuel injector, water pump (Daughter--$417, incl. installation), fuel pump, fuel system computer module, and fuel filter (Mine--$537, incl. installation). Unbelievable.

And on Friday, the 13th, as I was driving my father-in-law's car, because mine was still in the repair shop, HIS car broke down! (A switch in the clutch.) And after I called my daughter, who just HAPPENED to be in town, I locked the keys in his car! Really.

I am SO ready for this weekend away! You just have no idea.



Anonymous said...

Buiding Bridges Not Burning Them
Updated On: Jun 22, 2008 (14:15:00) PRINT/SAVE Article EMAIL Article

On Tuesday June 17, 2008, a blog from the Southeast Texas Political Review website, written by Phillip Klein, was circulated around City Hall. The blog alleged that two members of the Port Arthur Fire Department had come forward to speak on matters concerning the ongoing contract negotiations between Local 397 and the City. The blog is completely unfounded, baseless, and without merit.

None of the information or statements in his blog is true or correct. Local 397 and the City have not reached complete impasse, however a date for mediation has been set. Neither side in the negotiation process has ever mentioned the implementation of a "Boot-Strap" program, nor has the City offered in any of its proposals anything less than four percent for wages. Furthermore, the City Council has not provided any input into the negotiating process indicating an agenda that preferred the hiring of minorities over any other qualified individuals.

Port Arthur Professional Fire Fighters Local 397 and the City of Port Arthur are working together to achieve a complete contract with language that is acceptable to both parties. Negotiations thus far have been positive and have contained constructive dialogue. Local 397 is optimistic that a complete contractual agreement will be obtained prior to reaching complete impasse.

It is the position of Local 397 that Mr. Klein's blog is a complete fabrication. No member of our organization would ever participate in such an irresponsible act as to offer such erroneous "insight" into the bargaining process. Local 397 also rejects the tone and language used in Mr. Klein's blog and considers it sensational and inflammatory in nature. This blog in no way represents the views or opinions of Local 397.

Only authorized statements or media releases provided by the principle officers of Local 397 represent the positions, viewpoints, or opinions of the Port Arthur Professional Fire Fighters Association.

Klein's blog, "The Fight Is On", is an egregious use of media charged with falsehoods that can only distract from the truth. It is our hope that the irresponsible actions of this individual can be overlooked and that both parties in the bargaining process will continue to move forward.

SingingSkies said...

Not sure what the previsou comment had to do with anything. *shrug*

Anywho! Have you considered an exorcism for your vehicles? I'd be glad to help if you don't mind a long-distance version! Gas prices are worthy of an exorcism in and of themselves. *chuckle*