Sunday, October 15, 2006

Three Beautiful Things

You have to check out this blog...Three Beautiful Things. ( It is being featured as one of the "Blogs of Note", and I was so amazed that I decided to include a link on my page.

It reminds me that all is not hopeless and that there IS a light at the end of my tunnel! I will visit this one often...


Andrew McAllister said...

I went and had a look. You're right, I like the hopefulness of the concept.

To Love, Honor and Dismay

Clare said...

Hi Rita,

You commented over a week ago on 3BT asking if I ever had a bad day when I couldn't find a beautiful thing... Sorry I've been so laid-back that I haven't managed to answer until now.

Anyway -- it happens. And when it does I:

1. Treat myself to something that I know will be beautiful -- reading a story, going through a box of photos, taking a walk, ringing someone, a mug of hot chocolate

2. I cheat and use a beautiful thing that didn't make it on to the blog on the day it happened.

3. Decide that some of the bad things could have been a lot worse, and feel glad that they weren't.

Hope that answers your question, and thank you for being a loyal reader.
