Okay, so I all but abandoned my blog. I have been struggling to stay upbeat--not always succeeding--but managing not to post every whine and complaint. (Of course, that means huge chunks of time go by between posts...!)
Since I last posted: Husband graduated with his Associate Degree in Clinical Laboratory Science! The ceremony was a week before Christmas. My daughter was home from college, and the ceremony was really quite nice. (Daughter will receive her Bachelor of Arts in English: Writing and Culture in May 2009!) Money issues will prevent hubby from continuing in school for now, so he is going to concentrate on passing his state licensing exams in early 2009. Then he will be able to look for work, and if he finds something that pays pretty well, he may take part-time classes toward HIS Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Technology.
Hubby's sister decided in early December to check herself into a drug rehab facility for drying out/detox and inpatient treatment for her alcoholism and drug addictions. She stayed only ten days (the amount of time to complete detox) and was told there was nothing else they could do for her, because of her poor attitude. Seems she called a staff member an ugly name--think, "female dog"--and refused to attend scheduled meetings. So, she is here because she had no place left to go. She is depressed and sleeps a lot, but she is still taking the meds they prescribed for her at rehab, so maybe they will help her get her equilibrium back. (But don't hold your breath.) We are all "walking on eggshells" around her for the time being, and deliberately avoiding asking the tough questions like: "Why didn't you feel that you needed to comply with expectations at the treatment center?" and the burning question on the tip of MY tongue: "So, what are your plans, now?" And, so far, she isn't trying to jump back into the "mommy" role for her 14-year-old son and seems content to let her mother continue to make most of the major decisions that affect him. When she decides to assert her parental authority again (whether the courts have actually restored that authority or not), it isn't going to be pretty.
So, right at the moment, there are six adults (me, hubby, our daughter, his parents, and his sister) and one 14-year-old in this house. Still and all, Christmas was really nice! Scaled back, of course, due to the tough economic climate, but the gifts are not the point, are they? We had a lovely steak dinner, with several additional family members attending, including hubby's 96-year-old grandmother! There were no major conflicts and a good time was had by all.
Today, we leave for Houston, for our annual stay with my dad and brother. We will celebrate the New Year with them, before coming home. This will be the first time our daughter won't accompay us. :-( She has made arrangements to fly to Florida to meet her boyfriend's family for the first time. (I knew this was coming, of course, but it doesn't go down any easier.) AND...I don't have to be back at either of my jobs until January 5, 2009!! Now, that's what I'm talking about!
Hope everyone has a New Year filled with awe and wonder! Ciao!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Nine Kinds of Hell
Being married to a drug addict is nine kinds of hell. Even one who is supposedly recovering.
Right now, I am so angry, I am trembly.
My recovering addict husband has relapsed. Proof? All circumstantial. But our cell phone records show that he called a known pill dealer at 3:30 and 4:00 this morning. He was unreachable for about 8 hours. Finally, he called and asked where I was. (He had asked me to be at his place about dark.) I asked him why I couldn't reach him. He said he fell asleep. Wrong answer. I had campus police check on whether his car was in the lot. He wasn't home. He hung up on me.
I want out.
I stayed with him for the sake of our daughter. She is grown now. I stayed while he was in rehab, and I lived with his parents while I worked two jobs to make it possible for him to go to school. I'm done.
It's all very sad.
Right now, I am so angry, I am trembly.
My recovering addict husband has relapsed. Proof? All circumstantial. But our cell phone records show that he called a known pill dealer at 3:30 and 4:00 this morning. He was unreachable for about 8 hours. Finally, he called and asked where I was. (He had asked me to be at his place about dark.) I asked him why I couldn't reach him. He said he fell asleep. Wrong answer. I had campus police check on whether his car was in the lot. He wasn't home. He hung up on me.
I want out.
I stayed with him for the sake of our daughter. She is grown now. I stayed while he was in rehab, and I lived with his parents while I worked two jobs to make it possible for him to go to school. I'm done.
It's all very sad.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Good American
Like a truly patriotic American, on this morning-after, I am trying to find the good qualities in President-elect Obama, even though he was not the man I felt best qualified to lead the United States. For one, He is an outstanding public speaker, with much more polish and finess than John McCain. We need those qualities to repair our battered national image in the rest of the world.
Right now, that's all I can think of. Perhaps others ideas will come to me.
Right now, that's all I can think of. Perhaps others ideas will come to me.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Okay, I'm better now. I'm in Alexandria, enjoying a MUCH NEEDED three-day anniversary weekend. The weather has been absolutely amazing; who in the world could stay in a blue mood with weather like this? The peace and quiet is awesome...truly healing.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Shades of Blue
How appropriate that my layout is done in shades of blue.
The weather has been absolutely glorious...cool, crisp, invigorating, and the sky so blue it almost hurts to stare at it. Perfect. I need to live in a place where the weather is like this year-round.
Still, I feel depressed. I plod along day in and day out, doing pretty much the same thing everyday. Eat, sleep, work, work. And husband is doing pretty much the same thing everyday, too. Eat, sleep, study. There just doesn't seem to be any end to it, although I know that there is. We should be ecstatic about planning and attending the graduation ceremony at which he will receive his Associate degree. But it all just seems like a hassle. And it shouldn;t be that way.
And, our anniversary is Thursday, October 23. We will be celebrating 26 years of marriage. I know that he has class that day, so I have made arrangements to be off on Friday, October 24 and we will have a three-day weekend together.
I have been trying not to think about it.
The weather has been absolutely glorious...cool, crisp, invigorating, and the sky so blue it almost hurts to stare at it. Perfect. I need to live in a place where the weather is like this year-round.
Still, I feel depressed. I plod along day in and day out, doing pretty much the same thing everyday. Eat, sleep, work, work. And husband is doing pretty much the same thing everyday, too. Eat, sleep, study. There just doesn't seem to be any end to it, although I know that there is. We should be ecstatic about planning and attending the graduation ceremony at which he will receive his Associate degree. But it all just seems like a hassle. And it shouldn;t be that way.
And, our anniversary is Thursday, October 23. We will be celebrating 26 years of marriage. I know that he has class that day, so I have made arrangements to be off on Friday, October 24 and we will have a three-day weekend together.
I have been trying not to think about it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's Time!
If you believe, as I do, that the Electoral College must change (see my previous post), then PLEASE visit the website above. I had no idea that a movement to accomplish this was already underway!
It's the right thing to do. It's time!
If you believe, as I do, that the Electoral College must change (see my previous post), then PLEASE visit the website above. I had no idea that a movement to accomplish this was already underway!
It's the right thing to do. It's time!
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Electoral College
First, happy birthday...to me! I turned 47 this weekend, and got to enjoy my husband, my daughter, and her boyfriend. It was a lovely weekend!
So, let's make this the year we abolish the Electoral College! This body is no longer needed, as we now have near-instantaneous worldwide information exchange. The President of the United States should be selected purely on the basis of the popular vote. The EC served a purpose when our popular vote had to be hand-carried across the country for inclusion in a national consensus. We should not continue to bind ourselves to this antiquated method of selecting our national leaders! In addition, it is designed to give more weight to votes cast in population dense areas--very unfair!
A movement to accomplish this must begin at the level of the people. Join me!
So, let's make this the year we abolish the Electoral College! This body is no longer needed, as we now have near-instantaneous worldwide information exchange. The President of the United States should be selected purely on the basis of the popular vote. The EC served a purpose when our popular vote had to be hand-carried across the country for inclusion in a national consensus. We should not continue to bind ourselves to this antiquated method of selecting our national leaders! In addition, it is designed to give more weight to votes cast in population dense areas--very unfair!
A movement to accomplish this must begin at the level of the people. Join me!
Monday, October 06, 2008
A Lovely Weekend
I spent the whole weekend "elsewhere". I drove to Baton Rouge Saturday morning to attend the Louisiana Book Festival with my daughter, and then late that afternoon, I drove to Alexandria to spend the rest of the weekend with my husband! It was so nice. The weather was just fine and I had my tunes cranked up for the drives.
The Louisiana Book Fesitval was really quite amazing. Held on the grounds of the state capitol, here were vendors, book-signings, crafts, live music, authentic cajun cuisine, etc. And my daughter and I went up to the observation deck in the state capitol building--she said she had never been up there before.
It was really quite a lovely weekend!
The Louisiana Book Fesitval was really quite amazing. Held on the grounds of the state capitol, here were vendors, book-signings, crafts, live music, authentic cajun cuisine, etc. And my daughter and I went up to the observation deck in the state capitol building--she said she had never been up there before.
It was really quite a lovely weekend!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why Don't Kids Play in Attics Anymore?
Why don't kids play in attics, anymore? (I realize that this is a most random rant.)
When I was young(er), I spent countless hours in our attic...digging through old photo, looking at old clothes, marveling over dishes or appliances from the past. And then there were the make-believe games we played and secret clubs we "founded".
Did you ever play in an attic?
Maybe kids don't play in the attic anymore because people are no longer storing things in attics. Now everyone has a storage building or room, or leases storage in a mini-warehouse type facility. Or just gets rid of old things periodically in a yard sale
It's really quite sad, isn't it?
When I was young(er), I spent countless hours in our attic...digging through old photo, looking at old clothes, marveling over dishes or appliances from the past. And then there were the make-believe games we played and secret clubs we "founded".
Did you ever play in an attic?
Maybe kids don't play in the attic anymore because people are no longer storing things in attics. Now everyone has a storage building or room, or leases storage in a mini-warehouse type facility. Or just gets rid of old things periodically in a yard sale
It's really quite sad, isn't it?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Dry Ice
Two hurricanes this month. Not good. Ike was more intense than Gustav, but neither one caused any real damage where I live.
My dad, who lives in Porter, TX, (about 50 mi. N. of Houston) got pounded by Ike. No damage to their mobile home, but now they are without electricity, water, and phone service. And one shed got crushed when a tree fell on it. They have given him a tentative date of October 5, for his power to be restored.
So, my in-laws have graciously invited him to come stay with us, in their motor home. At first, Dad (who is 74), said he would just try to tough it out, but yesterday he called to say he had changed his mind. Three weeks without any electricity/water is just too much. My brother will stay...he was told to report to work! (Apparently, Humble has power.)
Now, dry ice. I am aware that dumping dry ice into hurricanes would release CO2 gas into an already greenhouse gas-filled atmosphere, but would it produce enough of a cooling effect to weaken these potentially destructive storms a bit? I mean, they are already flying into and around them gathering data, couldn't they try something to reduce the energy they contain??
I believe that if it worked, it might be worth whatever miniscule increase in global warming occurs.
My dad, who lives in Porter, TX, (about 50 mi. N. of Houston) got pounded by Ike. No damage to their mobile home, but now they are without electricity, water, and phone service. And one shed got crushed when a tree fell on it. They have given him a tentative date of October 5, for his power to be restored.
So, my in-laws have graciously invited him to come stay with us, in their motor home. At first, Dad (who is 74), said he would just try to tough it out, but yesterday he called to say he had changed his mind. Three weeks without any electricity/water is just too much. My brother will stay...he was told to report to work! (Apparently, Humble has power.)
Now, dry ice. I am aware that dumping dry ice into hurricanes would release CO2 gas into an already greenhouse gas-filled atmosphere, but would it produce enough of a cooling effect to weaken these potentially destructive storms a bit? I mean, they are already flying into and around them gathering data, couldn't they try something to reduce the energy they contain??
I believe that if it worked, it might be worth whatever miniscule increase in global warming occurs.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Gustav, Revisited
To call Hurricane Gustav a non-event would be trivializing the reality of what actually happened.
With Gustav, we dodged a bullet. It was supposed to have hit our area point-blank. We ended up not even losing our electricity, and only received a couple of inches of rain! (They had told us to expect 10-15 inches!)
My daughter and my husband were in Baton Rouge for the first LSU game of the season (which was pushed up several hours, to 10:00 a.m.), then they left town and headed to Alexandria, to my hubby's apartment at LSU-A, which was supposed to have been far enough north to be out of the most violent weather.
Baton Rouge got pounded, and then Gustav drifted just a tiny bit north, which meant that Alexandria got hammered too! Hubby and daughter, who were in Alexandria when the storm hit, said that Gustav was to Alexandria what Rita was to our area in 2005. Not good. Alexandria received nearly 8 inches of rain. The power was out all over Baton Rouge and Alexandria, and Alexandria lost its water pumps all over town. They were actually down to less than half a day's worth of water at one point. (Ironic, isn't it, that an area can be almost out of water after 8 inches of rain?) Classes at LSU and LSU-A were cancelled for the entire week, but are scheduled to restart on Monday, 9/8/08.
Yeah, for us it was definitely a close call. If a mandatory evacuation had been ordered, instead of a recommended evacuation, we would have gone.......to Alexandria!! Gosh, I'm glad we stayed...and I'm glad the other members of the family came home AFTER the excitement!
With Gustav, we dodged a bullet. It was supposed to have hit our area point-blank. We ended up not even losing our electricity, and only received a couple of inches of rain! (They had told us to expect 10-15 inches!)
My daughter and my husband were in Baton Rouge for the first LSU game of the season (which was pushed up several hours, to 10:00 a.m.), then they left town and headed to Alexandria, to my hubby's apartment at LSU-A, which was supposed to have been far enough north to be out of the most violent weather.
Baton Rouge got pounded, and then Gustav drifted just a tiny bit north, which meant that Alexandria got hammered too! Hubby and daughter, who were in Alexandria when the storm hit, said that Gustav was to Alexandria what Rita was to our area in 2005. Not good. Alexandria received nearly 8 inches of rain. The power was out all over Baton Rouge and Alexandria, and Alexandria lost its water pumps all over town. They were actually down to less than half a day's worth of water at one point. (Ironic, isn't it, that an area can be almost out of water after 8 inches of rain?) Classes at LSU and LSU-A were cancelled for the entire week, but are scheduled to restart on Monday, 9/8/08.
Yeah, for us it was definitely a close call. If a mandatory evacuation had been ordered, instead of a recommended evacuation, we would have gone.......to Alexandria!! Gosh, I'm glad we stayed...and I'm glad the other members of the family came home AFTER the excitement!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gustav: See You On the Other Side
Every parish around us has issued a mandatory evacuation. Jeff Davis, Cameron, Allen, and Calcasieu. Hurricane Gustav will make landfall in South Louisiana in less than 24 hours.
We chose not to act on the "recommended" evacuation order. We will stay.
We stayed through Hurricane Rita in 2005. We were without electricity for seven days, but we never lost water pressure. It was really, really scary. I just knew that one of the oaks in the yard would fall on the house or the wind would just take the roof off. So loud...for so many hours. Trees went down in the yard, but none landed on the house and the roof stayed on.
So, why in the h*** would we stay for Gustav?? Couple of reasons. One reason is that Gustav is behaving differently than Rita. Gustav will come ashore a couple of hundred miles away in southeastern Louisiana and come at us from an angle (we are just a few miles from the Texas border on the west central side of the state). Rita came at us from due south, right up the Sabine River valley. Not a lot of land there to break the forward momentum before it hit us. And it was supposed to have hit Port Arthur!
And another reason, for me anyway, is that I want to come back when I get ready. When you evacuate, you have to remain outside the area until the authorities deem it safe to return. That might be weeks.
Also, we have two, big dogs and two cats. The dogs really don't get along, and the cats merely tolerate each other and the dogs.
So, we are staying. My daughter left Baton Rouge (AFTER the first LSU game of course) and then she and my husband--who had attended the game with her--both left Baton Rouge and went to his dorm/apartment in Alexandria, where they will ride out the storm. Today is my husband's 45th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dear!
See you on the other side!
We chose not to act on the "recommended" evacuation order. We will stay.
We stayed through Hurricane Rita in 2005. We were without electricity for seven days, but we never lost water pressure. It was really, really scary. I just knew that one of the oaks in the yard would fall on the house or the wind would just take the roof off. So loud...for so many hours. Trees went down in the yard, but none landed on the house and the roof stayed on.
So, why in the h*** would we stay for Gustav?? Couple of reasons. One reason is that Gustav is behaving differently than Rita. Gustav will come ashore a couple of hundred miles away in southeastern Louisiana and come at us from an angle (we are just a few miles from the Texas border on the west central side of the state). Rita came at us from due south, right up the Sabine River valley. Not a lot of land there to break the forward momentum before it hit us. And it was supposed to have hit Port Arthur!
And another reason, for me anyway, is that I want to come back when I get ready. When you evacuate, you have to remain outside the area until the authorities deem it safe to return. That might be weeks.
Also, we have two, big dogs and two cats. The dogs really don't get along, and the cats merely tolerate each other and the dogs.
So, we are staying. My daughter left Baton Rouge (AFTER the first LSU game of course) and then she and my husband--who had attended the game with her--both left Baton Rouge and went to his dorm/apartment in Alexandria, where they will ride out the storm. Today is my husband's 45th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dear!
See you on the other side!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy 100th post to me! So, this is my first post since mid-July, and I have much to tell. So much, in fact, that it may turn into more post than I can stand at one sitting.
First: I PASSED! I have been trying to pass the new statewide notary public exam since June, 2007. I paid $700 for a notary exam prep course taught by an attorney from Lake Charles in early '07, and took the test three times--June '07, December '07, and June '08.
And I failed all three times. Yep, that's right. I failed all three times. No one from my class passed the first time. Some took it one more time. I took it on all three of the next test dates, and had decided that I would take it just one more time, in Dec. '08. Then, out of the blue, I got a call last week from the test administration agency saying they had revised the passing criteria and that my score now fell within the passing range. Can you say, "Oh, yeah!"? I really did it! My paperwork came in the mail yesterday, and I filled it all out and will start the filing process with the Clerk of Court and Secretary of State.
Second: Hubby has finished his Associate Degree in Clinical Laboratory Technology! He has applied for his provisional CLT License, and when that comes in he is going to start working part-time. (Part-time because he has decided to take a couple more classes this fall that he will need if LSU-A ever does implement a four-year degree program in Clinical Laboratory Science.
I am okay with that for now.)
So, I will try to be more expansive another time. For now....Ciao!
First: I PASSED! I have been trying to pass the new statewide notary public exam since June, 2007. I paid $700 for a notary exam prep course taught by an attorney from Lake Charles in early '07, and took the test three times--June '07, December '07, and June '08.
And I failed all three times. Yep, that's right. I failed all three times. No one from my class passed the first time. Some took it one more time. I took it on all three of the next test dates, and had decided that I would take it just one more time, in Dec. '08. Then, out of the blue, I got a call last week from the test administration agency saying they had revised the passing criteria and that my score now fell within the passing range. Can you say, "Oh, yeah!"? I really did it! My paperwork came in the mail yesterday, and I filled it all out and will start the filing process with the Clerk of Court and Secretary of State.
Second: Hubby has finished his Associate Degree in Clinical Laboratory Technology! He has applied for his provisional CLT License, and when that comes in he is going to start working part-time. (Part-time because he has decided to take a couple more classes this fall that he will need if LSU-A ever does implement a four-year degree program in Clinical Laboratory Science.
I am okay with that for now.)
So, I will try to be more expansive another time. For now....Ciao!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The End
The End. Doesn't that seem like a funny way to begin? But "The End" is why I have been working twelve and thirteen hour days for two years. "The End" is where we have to arrive before we can start. "The End" is going to be the beginning...
We got my husband's billing statement from LSU-A today. He still has an outstanding balance of $60, but this bill includes a "DIPLOMA FEE"!
HOORAY! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's not another train! (Fingers crossed, knocking on wood, etc.)
I won't have to be exhausted much longer...
We got my husband's billing statement from LSU-A today. He still has an outstanding balance of $60, but this bill includes a "DIPLOMA FEE"!
HOORAY! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's not another train! (Fingers crossed, knocking on wood, etc.)
I won't have to be exhausted much longer...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hands Down: The Best Concert EVER
June 19, 2008
Baton Rouge River Center
Bottom: BOSTON

Comment: Oh, yeah, they've all still got it, and they know what to do with it!!! Really awesome concert. Hands down...the very best concert I have EVER seen. (Last time we saw them was in 1997. My daughter was only 10 years old, and she never did stop talking about them!)
And that's all I've got to say 'bout that.
Oh, yeah, here's a couple of photos of us at the concert:
Husband and Daughter

Daughter and Me (It's a first! Probably a last, too.)

Buona sera!
Baton Rouge River Center
Bottom: BOSTON

Comment: Oh, yeah, they've all still got it, and they know what to do with it!!! Really awesome concert. Hands down...the very best concert I have EVER seen. (Last time we saw them was in 1997. My daughter was only 10 years old, and she never did stop talking about them!)
And that's all I've got to say 'bout that.
Oh, yeah, here's a couple of photos of us at the concert:
Husband and Daughter

Daughter and Me (It's a first! Probably a last, too.)

Buona sera!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Concert: Styx and Boston
Baton Rouge or BUST! Today is the big concert...Styx and Boston at the Baton Rouge River Center. My husband and I are taking our daughter to see possibly the two best concert bands of the 1970's. She was raised on their music, has several albums and mp3's, knows almost all their songs...it's going to be great. We have floor seating 25 rows from the front--we bought our tickets in April! (We all got to see Styx in Houston at the Woodlands Pavilion several years ago, but not with Boston!)
Soooo, we won't think about the car problems we have had this month. Long (very long) story short, we had to put over $1,000 worth of car repairs on our credit card. :-( All three vehicles needed something: we bought brakes (Hubby--$100, incl. installation), harmonic balancer, fuel injector, water pump (Daughter--$417, incl. installation), fuel pump, fuel system computer module, and fuel filter (Mine--$537, incl. installation). Unbelievable.
And on Friday, the 13th, as I was driving my father-in-law's car, because mine was still in the repair shop, HIS car broke down! (A switch in the clutch.) And after I called my daughter, who just HAPPENED to be in town, I locked the keys in his car! Really.
I am SO ready for this weekend away! You just have no idea.
Soooo, we won't think about the car problems we have had this month. Long (very long) story short, we had to put over $1,000 worth of car repairs on our credit card. :-( All three vehicles needed something: we bought brakes (Hubby--$100, incl. installation), harmonic balancer, fuel injector, water pump (Daughter--$417, incl. installation), fuel pump, fuel system computer module, and fuel filter (Mine--$537, incl. installation). Unbelievable.
And on Friday, the 13th, as I was driving my father-in-law's car, because mine was still in the repair shop, HIS car broke down! (A switch in the clutch.) And after I called my daughter, who just HAPPENED to be in town, I locked the keys in his car! Really.
I am SO ready for this weekend away! You just have no idea.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Nope, it's not my favorite poker game...it's how old my daughter will be on Saturday! Hard to believe.
She's already put me on notice that she's going to go out with some friends and "have a drink".
How do I feel about that?
On one hand, I know it won't be her first drink. (But it will be her first one to legally purchase.) I also know that she is a smart, responsible kid--MOST of the time.
But on the other hand, I know first-hand what drinking can lead to. And so does she. She's seen it in her parents and she's STILL seeing it in her aunt. So, how do I come to terms with the fact that she's going to have to deal on her own with the addictive tendencies that she may have inherited? I want so very much to spare her the horrors and indignities I endured.
Is that fair? Is it even possible? Why do I have more questions than answers??
She's already put me on notice that she's going to go out with some friends and "have a drink".
How do I feel about that?
On one hand, I know it won't be her first drink. (But it will be her first one to legally purchase.) I also know that she is a smart, responsible kid--MOST of the time.
But on the other hand, I know first-hand what drinking can lead to. And so does she. She's seen it in her parents and she's STILL seeing it in her aunt. So, how do I come to terms with the fact that she's going to have to deal on her own with the addictive tendencies that she may have inherited? I want so very much to spare her the horrors and indignities I endured.
Is that fair? Is it even possible? Why do I have more questions than answers??
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Final Grades
Two C's, two B's, and one A. Well my daughter passed everything AND kept her Honors award through the Louisiana Tuition Opportunity Program for Seniors. TOPS pays all of her tuition and depending on her grade point average, provides a cash stipend to help with other expenses. (There are plenty: housing, food, books, etc.) Because she had a 4.0 at high school graduation, she started college under the Honors award: tuition + $800/semester. She has kept this award level through all of her semesters so far, although this time it was by the skin of her teeth!
Louisiana doesn't do very much right, but TOPS is done right.
Hooray for the end of finals!
Louisiana doesn't do very much right, but TOPS is done right.
Hooray for the end of finals!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day...To Me!
Happy Mother's Day...To Me! And to all other moms and moms-to-be out there. May you have a truly relaxing and pleasant day, today!
RE: Daughter and College. Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be for my daughter. She got all of her papers turned in but one (The instructors may take off points for being late, but at least they are accepting the papers.), and it's to be emailed before 5 p.m., Monday. She thinks she passed all of her classes. Her grades may not be up to what they have been, and certainly not up to her potential; but as long as she passed, I think I can live with it. She has promised that this won't happen again. It had better not!
And on another note. Mother's Day is turning out to be much less stressful than I had tthought it would be. My hubby grilled pork loin chops and we bought ready- made sides and dessert from Wal-Mart. Hooray! We have eaten, AND the kitchen is already set back to rights! And now?
NAPTIME!!! Yaaawwwwwnnnn!
RE: Daughter and College. Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be for my daughter. She got all of her papers turned in but one (The instructors may take off points for being late, but at least they are accepting the papers.), and it's to be emailed before 5 p.m., Monday. She thinks she passed all of her classes. Her grades may not be up to what they have been, and certainly not up to her potential; but as long as she passed, I think I can live with it. She has promised that this won't happen again. It had better not!
And on another note. Mother's Day is turning out to be much less stressful than I had tthought it would be. My hubby grilled pork loin chops and we bought ready- made sides and dessert from Wal-Mart. Hooray! We have eaten, AND the kitchen is already set back to rights! And now?
NAPTIME!!! Yaaawwwwwnnnn!
Buon pomeriggio!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Angry, Sad, Upset, Depressed, Worried Sick
The semester ended yesterday. It has not been a good one for my daughter. She feels fairly certain she failed two finals and, as of last night had not turned in an unknown number of papers that were due, meaning she may have failed two courses. I didn't become aware of how serious the problem was until about a week ago.
This is from a kid who graduated high school with a 4.0 average.
I chewed on her pretty good. Too late, I know, but this can't happen again. If she loses her TOPS award (the state pays tuition), it's going to be bad. I don't know how we can afford her last 3 semesters of college. She cried and said some hateful things, but I think I needed to say the things I did.
The problem? Boyfriend, of course. We met the guy at Easter, and he seems really good to her, but relationship maintenance takes effort. Effort that ought to have been directed at meeting the demands of her classes. Nothing is more important than that at this point in her life--not the need for companionship, not the need to relax---NOTHING. I want her to have a better life than I've had. Substance abuse issues aside, I have worked HARD all my life...this isn't the first time I have had more than one job. I once held THREE (a full-time and two part-time positions)! I never want her to have to live that way.
So, how do I get her back on track??? She is shutting me out, now. She is short with me on the phone, and only answers the questions I specifically ask. The whole deal has left me angry, sad, upset, depressed, worried sick.
And I don't know what to do about it. She'll be 21 this month, technically I can't TELL her what to do.
But she still depends on me to help manage her finances, and she's driving a car I bought with insurance that I pay for. Maybe that will give me some leverage?
This is from a kid who graduated high school with a 4.0 average.
I chewed on her pretty good. Too late, I know, but this can't happen again. If she loses her TOPS award (the state pays tuition), it's going to be bad. I don't know how we can afford her last 3 semesters of college. She cried and said some hateful things, but I think I needed to say the things I did.
The problem? Boyfriend, of course. We met the guy at Easter, and he seems really good to her, but relationship maintenance takes effort. Effort that ought to have been directed at meeting the demands of her classes. Nothing is more important than that at this point in her life--not the need for companionship, not the need to relax---NOTHING. I want her to have a better life than I've had. Substance abuse issues aside, I have worked HARD all my life...this isn't the first time I have had more than one job. I once held THREE (a full-time and two part-time positions)! I never want her to have to live that way.
So, how do I get her back on track??? She is shutting me out, now. She is short with me on the phone, and only answers the questions I specifically ask. The whole deal has left me angry, sad, upset, depressed, worried sick.
And I don't know what to do about it. She'll be 21 this month, technically I can't TELL her what to do.
But she still depends on me to help manage her finances, and she's driving a car I bought with insurance that I pay for. Maybe that will give me some leverage?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Out of a Nosedive
Whew! I feel like I am finally pulling out of a severe nosedive. My mood is slowly improving...I know in my rational mind that the "Serenity Prayer" should be my credo. I simply must accept the things I cannot change. And there are plenty of them...the situation with my nephew, my husband's mentality, the stressors of living with in-laws and working two jobs.
And so, I should continue to ask for the "Wisdom to know the difference", right?
(I still have these occasional "crashes", though, where I hate everything and everybody.)
I leave you, now, as I prepare to enjoy a rare afternoon nap...it's Secretaries' Day, and all the supervisors in my office agreed to let the entire clerical staff off for 1/2 day! They are even taking one-hour shifts at the receptionists desk! (I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall this afternoon.) I still have to go to my other job later, but I will be so-o-o-o-o-o rested by then!
And so, I should continue to ask for the "Wisdom to know the difference", right?
(I still have these occasional "crashes", though, where I hate everything and everybody.)
I leave you, now, as I prepare to enjoy a rare afternoon nap...it's Secretaries' Day, and all the supervisors in my office agreed to let the entire clerical staff off for 1/2 day! They are even taking one-hour shifts at the receptionists desk! (I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall this afternoon.) I still have to go to my other job later, but I will be so-o-o-o-o-o rested by then!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What in the *&%! is Wrong With Me?
So, last night, as my husband was coughing his head off, he commented that when he had a bad cold, the only thing that ever quieted the coughing was hydrocodone. It bothered me tremendously (and I said so) because he is a "recovering addict"--to hydrocodone. And I know that if he really wanted it, he could find it fairly easily. This morning, I was looking at Facebook, and I noticed that he had joined a group called "Allstars of Alcohol". I went slightly ballistic. Like in-the-outer-atmosphere-ballistic. I railed and ranted and screamed and then. . .
I realized that I am severely depressed. I am 46 years old. Still living with hubby's parents and working at two jobs, while he is finishing his Associate Degree. Something he should have done more than 20 years ago. He is talking about going to school for another 3 semesters, now, which would actually give him a Bachelor Degree. I hate to discourage him from pursuing his goals--and this is a good one--but I just don't know how much more I can take. I hate living here, even as I realize that I should be grateful for his folks' kindness and generosity.
His sister's 13 1/2 year old son is still here, and he is becoming a real jerk. I truly cannot stand the kid. My mother-in-law will not permit anyone to correct him except her--she feels that too many bosses is what made him so difficult to begin with. He is defiant, lazy, disrespectful and immature. She gently wakes him in steps every morning. First, open the door and call out to him gently. Then, turn on the hall light and shake him a little. Next, go ahead and turn on the light in his room and tell him it's time. About 5 minutes later, make him get up.
Then she TURNS ON HIS SHOWER WATER FOR HIM!!! And while he's IN the shower she lays out his clothes and puts his belt through the loops on his pants!
In the afternoon, when they are doing homework, she sits right next to him and says "Okay, now work this next one." For EVERY problem on EVERY page. He has never been made to work independently and cannot. Of course, it's because "his ADHD meds have worn off, and he can't focus by himself". Oh, and there are NEVER consequences for bad behavior, only "rewards" for the good behavior (*Sticks finger down throat. Gag. UGH!*)
So, now what? I am depressed, but my depression manifests itself (and always has) as irrational, seething, anger. Fury would be more accurate. I lash out and say absolutely hateful things that I actually mean at the time. Like...the only mistake I ever made was getting married. That kind of thing. That I would get a divorce, if I could afford one. That I'd be ABLE to afford one, if he (husband) just had a JOB. That I'm sick of living with his folks, while he chased his little juvenile dreams.
Yeah, I said all of that. But, this isn't helping. And I have 3 loads of laundry to get done.
I realized that I am severely depressed. I am 46 years old. Still living with hubby's parents and working at two jobs, while he is finishing his Associate Degree. Something he should have done more than 20 years ago. He is talking about going to school for another 3 semesters, now, which would actually give him a Bachelor Degree. I hate to discourage him from pursuing his goals--and this is a good one--but I just don't know how much more I can take. I hate living here, even as I realize that I should be grateful for his folks' kindness and generosity.
His sister's 13 1/2 year old son is still here, and he is becoming a real jerk. I truly cannot stand the kid. My mother-in-law will not permit anyone to correct him except her--she feels that too many bosses is what made him so difficult to begin with. He is defiant, lazy, disrespectful and immature. She gently wakes him in steps every morning. First, open the door and call out to him gently. Then, turn on the hall light and shake him a little. Next, go ahead and turn on the light in his room and tell him it's time. About 5 minutes later, make him get up.
Then she TURNS ON HIS SHOWER WATER FOR HIM!!! And while he's IN the shower she lays out his clothes and puts his belt through the loops on his pants!
In the afternoon, when they are doing homework, she sits right next to him and says "Okay, now work this next one." For EVERY problem on EVERY page. He has never been made to work independently and cannot. Of course, it's because "his ADHD meds have worn off, and he can't focus by himself". Oh, and there are NEVER consequences for bad behavior, only "rewards" for the good behavior (*Sticks finger down throat. Gag. UGH!*)
So, now what? I am depressed, but my depression manifests itself (and always has) as irrational, seething, anger. Fury would be more accurate. I lash out and say absolutely hateful things that I actually mean at the time. Like...the only mistake I ever made was getting married. That kind of thing. That I would get a divorce, if I could afford one. That I'd be ABLE to afford one, if he (husband) just had a JOB. That I'm sick of living with his folks, while he chased his little juvenile dreams.
Yeah, I said all of that. But, this isn't helping. And I have 3 loads of laundry to get done.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Midweek Blues
Well, Hell's bells. I was going to try to keep more of my postings on a positive note, but I don't' feel the need to get positive feelings "off my chest".
However, I would like to share that this past weekend was as close to a perfect weekend as I have had in a long time. My nephew--who lives with my in-laws and me--spent most of the weekend with his OTHER grandparents! They visited his dad and went to a festival in another part of the state, and seemed to have had a really nice time. And, my husband and daughter were both home. She even came without her current boyfriend. (I like him just fine, but I still enjoy having her "all to myself" now and then.) The weather was absolutely fabulous--and still is!
So, why the midweek blues? Monday, I started my period--complete with a monster headache--and caught a cold. I made the whole winter without one, and now that the weather is getting warm and summer-ish, I get a head and chest cold. (I had a flu shot, so I'm pretty sure it's just a cold.) The headache went away, but this cold and the other are kicking my butt.
And my blood sugar is all out of whack. I'm not even taking any cold medicine, so it can't be the "hidden" sugar. They claim being sick does that to diabetics, but it doesn't make it any easier.
However, I would like to share that this past weekend was as close to a perfect weekend as I have had in a long time. My nephew--who lives with my in-laws and me--spent most of the weekend with his OTHER grandparents! They visited his dad and went to a festival in another part of the state, and seemed to have had a really nice time. And, my husband and daughter were both home. She even came without her current boyfriend. (I like him just fine, but I still enjoy having her "all to myself" now and then.) The weather was absolutely fabulous--and still is!
So, why the midweek blues? Monday, I started my period--complete with a monster headache--and caught a cold. I made the whole winter without one, and now that the weather is getting warm and summer-ish, I get a head and chest cold. (I had a flu shot, so I'm pretty sure it's just a cold.) The headache went away, but this cold and the other are kicking my butt.
And my blood sugar is all out of whack. I'm not even taking any cold medicine, so it can't be the "hidden" sugar. They claim being sick does that to diabetics, but it doesn't make it any easier.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
In The News
Every major news outlet has had a story about teenaged girls videotaping a recent brutal beating of another female teenager. In all of the reports, the faces of those responsible have been blocked/blurred (except for the one 18-year-old), as they should be if they are underage. However, their parents are most assuredly of age, and I think we should be allowed to see just whose kids are capable of such monstrous violence. And aren't they RESPONSIBLE for the actions of their children?? I think if more parents would be held accountable, we'd see much less of this kind of thing.
(Yeah, I know that ID-ing the parents would be tantamount to ID-ing the kids.)
(Yeah, I know that ID-ing the parents would be tantamount to ID-ing the kids.)
Monday, April 07, 2008
Hah! I Did It!
I finally figured out the correct way to post links in my blog. (See previous post.)
Now, I know that isn't an earth-shaking event, but that little thing seems like an enormous accomplishment to me.
Now, I know that isn't an earth-shaking event, but that little thing seems like an enormous accomplishment to me.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The amniocentesis was ... I don't want to say it was a lie, but ... let's just say it may or may not happen. When I asked my sister-in-law when it was scheduled she said her doctor was not really going to "schedule" it, he was just going to "do" it afterhours one day, because he "knows her financial situation". So, anyway, I asked her how long she would have to wait for the results. She said, "Oh, I will get them right away". What a ditz. I looked the procedure up at www.mayoclinic.com and found out that they can determine fetal maturity from amniotic fluid immediately (and so determine a due date), but that real results about genetic or developmental defects takes up to 14 days. It didn't sound like something a kind-hearted doctor would do after clinic hours and without any support staff.
She is quite determined to keep the child, and has started talking about names, etc.
Privately, I don't believe she is pregnant. I think she is telling everyone this to jerk some sympathy out of her parents, who long ago lost any sympathy they felt for her. She won't even try to help herself, so why should they knock themselves out trying to help her? I figure that in a couple of months, she will tell everyone that she miscarried.
(I really must work on this cynicism.)
She is quite determined to keep the child, and has started talking about names, etc.
Privately, I don't believe she is pregnant. I think she is telling everyone this to jerk some sympathy out of her parents, who long ago lost any sympathy they felt for her. She won't even try to help herself, so why should they knock themselves out trying to help her? I figure that in a couple of months, she will tell everyone that she miscarried.
(I really must work on this cynicism.)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Days of our Lives
I wonder if I could tell my life story to someone for a feature film? Talk about plot twists . . . my sister-in-law is pregnant! Yes, the same sister-in-law who is 41 years old, is an active alcoholic/drug addict, has been unemployed and basically homeless for nearly two years, and who lost custody of her 13-year-old adopted son almost a year ago!
Now, she hasn't ruled out abortion, but she has always wanted to "experience pregnancy and give birth". This may well be her only chance, so I don't see her going that route. (She was told that scarring from pelvic inflammatory disease had made her permanently unable to conceive, so she has NEVER used any birth control and decided to adopt. Surprise!) Her parents are solidly against abortion, and would just as soon raise another of their grandchildren themselves as see her give the child up for adoption. If they went the latter route, they would be in their 80's when the child turned 20! And, this raises the spectre of my husband and I being called upon to assume custody should his parents' health fail.
Sis-in-Law is scheduled for an amniocentesis next week. After that, the debate might all be academic, depending on what the doctor recommends.
Hey, does anyone know how to contact "Days of our Lives"??
Now, she hasn't ruled out abortion, but she has always wanted to "experience pregnancy and give birth". This may well be her only chance, so I don't see her going that route. (She was told that scarring from pelvic inflammatory disease had made her permanently unable to conceive, so she has NEVER used any birth control and decided to adopt. Surprise!) Her parents are solidly against abortion, and would just as soon raise another of their grandchildren themselves as see her give the child up for adoption. If they went the latter route, they would be in their 80's when the child turned 20! And, this raises the spectre of my husband and I being called upon to assume custody should his parents' health fail.
Sis-in-Law is scheduled for an amniocentesis next week. After that, the debate might all be academic, depending on what the doctor recommends.
Hey, does anyone know how to contact "Days of our Lives"??
soap opera
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
I see it! I see the light! The light at the end of the tunnel, that is. My hubby has finished his all of the coursework to become a clinical laboratory technician and starts his six-month long clinicals, tomorrow! He is so excited to (finally) be working in a laboratory again. He was happiest when he worked in a chemical laboratory many years ago, before the addiction and drugs destroyed everything. He always had in his mind to get back to a laboratory environment one day, but he wandered so far off course, that he just didn't know how. So, he will finally have his Associate Degree in Clinical Laboratory Technology when he has completed his clinical training. Hooray!
So, now it's time for me to thank all of the people whose intervention and support made this possible. First of all, thank you Vernon Parish Sheriff's Office. If you hadn't intervened in April 2005, he would be dead right now. Many of our friends didn't make it. You forced him to admit that he needed help, and then you offered him that help. And the Vernon Parish Drug Court Program/Ms. Kim--you never pulled any punches and you expected more of him than he knew he could give. He will never forget your support and kindness. Red River Treatment Center--Absolutely necessary, and not a pleasant place, but one that he still talks about to this day! You freed him from the grip of active addiction and gave him the tools that he needs to stay clean. And I can't forget his parents. Wow, you were there, always. You have let us live with you for the better part of three years, rent-free, while we get our lives back together. I have griped and moaned and been aggravated about having to live here, but I appreciate the opportunity, more than you know.
To everyone. Thank you. So, that's where we are.
Now. On to other (unrelated) things. I am SO tired of hearing about ObamaClintonMcCain. I truly used to enjoy watching the evening news programs, but I am not excited about any of our candidates for President, right now. I don't want to hear it. For the first time in my adult life, I am suffering from voter apathy. I don't know if I can make myself go to the polls in November. It is the dreaded debilitating condition known on some blogs as "Electile Dysfunction".
All I want to hear is what they plan to do about the high price of gasoline and illegal immigrants.
And they ain't talking.
So, now it's time for me to thank all of the people whose intervention and support made this possible. First of all, thank you Vernon Parish Sheriff's Office. If you hadn't intervened in April 2005, he would be dead right now. Many of our friends didn't make it. You forced him to admit that he needed help, and then you offered him that help. And the Vernon Parish Drug Court Program/Ms. Kim--you never pulled any punches and you expected more of him than he knew he could give. He will never forget your support and kindness. Red River Treatment Center--Absolutely necessary, and not a pleasant place, but one that he still talks about to this day! You freed him from the grip of active addiction and gave him the tools that he needs to stay clean. And I can't forget his parents. Wow, you were there, always. You have let us live with you for the better part of three years, rent-free, while we get our lives back together. I have griped and moaned and been aggravated about having to live here, but I appreciate the opportunity, more than you know.
To everyone. Thank you. So, that's where we are.
Now. On to other (unrelated) things. I am SO tired of hearing about ObamaClintonMcCain. I truly used to enjoy watching the evening news programs, but I am not excited about any of our candidates for President, right now. I don't want to hear it. For the first time in my adult life, I am suffering from voter apathy. I don't know if I can make myself go to the polls in November. It is the dreaded debilitating condition known on some blogs as "Electile Dysfunction".
All I want to hear is what they plan to do about the high price of gasoline and illegal immigrants.
And they ain't talking.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Absolutely Gorgeous
Today was absolutely gorgeous! So pretty...a blue cloudless sky, 70 degrees. Wow. Just took my breath away. I went to the park and walked around the walking trail, then I went to Wal-Mart and the grocery store. It was just so-o-o-o FINE.
And on another positive note...at work this week I got completely and totally caught up for the first time in about three months! I can't tell you how good that feels. Not that my job will be stress-free from now on, but it's a manageable stress. (I am, of course referring to my primary job, not the part-time one.)
Life is good...
And on another positive note...at work this week I got completely and totally caught up for the first time in about three months! I can't tell you how good that feels. Not that my job will be stress-free from now on, but it's a manageable stress. (I am, of course referring to my primary job, not the part-time one.)
Life is good...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Long Day
This was a long, long day. I was at work at 7:15 a.m. Then, beginning at 8:00 a.m., I had to attend seven (7!) discipline hearings, lasting between 30-45 minutes each, to take down the minutes. I had about 30 minutes for lunch. The hearings ended at 2:00 p.m., and I worked in my office for a couple of hours before I went to my 2nd job until 6 p.m.
I am so tired.
My husband bought me this calendar for Christmas called "The Calendar for Women Who Do Too Much". Here is what it said today, February 13, 2008:
Many women feel that, if they admit how tired they are, they will never get up again.
Hallelujah, amen.
'Nuff said.
I am so tired.
My husband bought me this calendar for Christmas called "The Calendar for Women Who Do Too Much". Here is what it said today, February 13, 2008:
Many women feel that, if they admit how tired they are, they will never get up again.
Hallelujah, amen.
'Nuff said.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Returning to Normal (Sort of)
As my life returns to normal--sort of--I feel relieved and even content. Normal, of course, for me is living with my in-laws (Still!) and working two jobs while my husband finishes college, which might be this December!! At least that's my normal for the last couple of years. And before that...well, let's not go there.
The last few months have been a pressure-cooker/roller coaster. At my primary job, I was covering for the superintendent's assistant during her recuperation from back surgery. Doing her job and mine, and doing neither one well. (In my opinion. My supervisors were very encouraging.) This co-worker is finally back at work, although right now just four hours a day. So, now I can work on getting some things caught up in my own office that were seriously behind. I feel like my stepping in when she was out will give me an edge for that position when she retires--which could be at any moment, she is 73 years old!
And my father-in-law, who you may remember was diagnosed with prostate cancer just before Christmas, had his surgery right after the New Year started. The pathology report indicated that the cancer hadn't spread anywhere else. Hooray! However, he is in the hospital right now with some digestive issues that may be related to his surgery, but they aren't talking another surgery right at the moment. *Fingers crossed on both hands*
Daughter is doing so great, right now. Enjoying all her classes, and being involved with things outside her classes and apartment.
Sister-in-law, whose son is in the custody of my in-laws, is still a flaked-out, drug addicted, alcoholic mess. From time to time, she talks about getting a place so she can work on getting custody of her son, but she doesn't DO anything about it, like get a job. *Sigh* I almost wish she could have the "hit rock bottom" exerience my husband (her brother) did. When he was faced with 5-10 years (or more) imprisonment--it was the catalyst for change in our lives. He spent a month in a residential treatment facility, then almost 1 1/2 years in outpatient counseling to get where he is right now. It saved his life, I am quite sure, and I think that is what it is going to take to save hers. She is drifting, literally. Her "home" is a camper trailer parked in a mobile home park somewhere in Jasper, TX. She leaves her live-in boyfriend/ex-husband every so often and makes the rounds. She'll come here for an afternoon, then spend the next few days/weeks visiting this male friend or the other. Then she'll go back to Jasper for awhile. So very sad.
But, right now, I am feeling better than I have in a long while.
The last few months have been a pressure-cooker/roller coaster. At my primary job, I was covering for the superintendent's assistant during her recuperation from back surgery. Doing her job and mine, and doing neither one well. (In my opinion. My supervisors were very encouraging.) This co-worker is finally back at work, although right now just four hours a day. So, now I can work on getting some things caught up in my own office that were seriously behind. I feel like my stepping in when she was out will give me an edge for that position when she retires--which could be at any moment, she is 73 years old!
And my father-in-law, who you may remember was diagnosed with prostate cancer just before Christmas, had his surgery right after the New Year started. The pathology report indicated that the cancer hadn't spread anywhere else. Hooray! However, he is in the hospital right now with some digestive issues that may be related to his surgery, but they aren't talking another surgery right at the moment. *Fingers crossed on both hands*
Daughter is doing so great, right now. Enjoying all her classes, and being involved with things outside her classes and apartment.
Sister-in-law, whose son is in the custody of my in-laws, is still a flaked-out, drug addicted, alcoholic mess. From time to time, she talks about getting a place so she can work on getting custody of her son, but she doesn't DO anything about it, like get a job. *Sigh* I almost wish she could have the "hit rock bottom" exerience my husband (her brother) did. When he was faced with 5-10 years (or more) imprisonment--it was the catalyst for change in our lives. He spent a month in a residential treatment facility, then almost 1 1/2 years in outpatient counseling to get where he is right now. It saved his life, I am quite sure, and I think that is what it is going to take to save hers. She is drifting, literally. Her "home" is a camper trailer parked in a mobile home park somewhere in Jasper, TX. She leaves her live-in boyfriend/ex-husband every so often and makes the rounds. She'll come here for an afternoon, then spend the next few days/weeks visiting this male friend or the other. Then she'll go back to Jasper for awhile. So very sad.
But, right now, I am feeling better than I have in a long while.
Friday, January 25, 2008
I really must try to post more often. I started this blog because it's cheaper than a therapist, and it has been truly cathartic. I know others are bound to grow weary of my ranting and moaning, but it would have eaten me alive if I hadn't managed to get it out somewhere. The last three or so years have been the wildest roller coaster ride you could ever imagine: drug abuse, arrests, husband in rehab, living with in-laws, having both my husband and my daughter in college full-time, holding down two jobs, living with in-laws who now have custody of their daughter's son, and now....taking up the slack for a co-worker at my full-time job who had back surgery--in November!! (Not necessarily by choice, but I would like to have that position one day, so I didn't mind.)
The pressure was unreal. I didn't know I could operate under that much strain. This co-worker has duties that include providing packets to all 10 school board members containing information to be discussed at school board meetings, printing and publishing agendas for the school board meetings, attending those meetings to take down the minutes, and then transcribing the minutes for distribution and publication!
All while I did my regular job: attending discipline hearings to take minutes, typing notices after each hearing, sending parent notices via certified mail and making sure all administrators receive copies. Enter W-4 and L-4 tax deductions and direct deposit info in payroll system for new permanent employees. Process applications for new substitute employees. Maintain substitute teacher lists for all 13 parish schools. Conduct background checks on all new substitute and permanent employees. Update job vacancies on the school board website.
And then there are the special requests. One board member wanted a 10-year history of discipline hearings: How many hearings for each year, and a breakdown by reason codes.
"Sure," I said, when my supervisor came to ask if I could gather the information.
Like I said, I didn't know I could withstand that much pure pressure! (And I still have my other job, two hours every evening doing homework with 4-12 graders and monitoring the computer lab.) But, HOORAY, my co-worker comes back to work on Monday! She will start with 4 hours each day, and work up to a full day as her doctor allows.
HALLELUJAH! Praise God! (And I mean that quite sincerely--He has seen me through some really tough times of late. I know what that single set of footprints in the sand means.) And I want to say "Thank you" to all of the ladies in my office who did the small, but time-consuming things like open my mail, make phone calls for me, and help me make folders for all of the new employees.
The pressure was unreal. I didn't know I could operate under that much strain. This co-worker has duties that include providing packets to all 10 school board members containing information to be discussed at school board meetings, printing and publishing agendas for the school board meetings, attending those meetings to take down the minutes, and then transcribing the minutes for distribution and publication!
All while I did my regular job: attending discipline hearings to take minutes, typing notices after each hearing, sending parent notices via certified mail and making sure all administrators receive copies. Enter W-4 and L-4 tax deductions and direct deposit info in payroll system for new permanent employees. Process applications for new substitute employees. Maintain substitute teacher lists for all 13 parish schools. Conduct background checks on all new substitute and permanent employees. Update job vacancies on the school board website.
And then there are the special requests. One board member wanted a 10-year history of discipline hearings: How many hearings for each year, and a breakdown by reason codes.
"Sure," I said, when my supervisor came to ask if I could gather the information.
Like I said, I didn't know I could withstand that much pure pressure! (And I still have my other job, two hours every evening doing homework with 4-12 graders and monitoring the computer lab.) But, HOORAY, my co-worker comes back to work on Monday! She will start with 4 hours each day, and work up to a full day as her doctor allows.
HALLELUJAH! Praise God! (And I mean that quite sincerely--He has seen me through some really tough times of late. I know what that single set of footprints in the sand means.) And I want to say "Thank you" to all of the ladies in my office who did the small, but time-consuming things like open my mail, make phone calls for me, and help me make folders for all of the new employees.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
...And a Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to everyone! We had a really pleasant visit with my dad and brother. We went with dad to Space Center Houston, he hadn't been in years and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it.
We had turkey & dressing one day, Dad cooked pancakes for me one morning, and I fixed traditional blackeye peas and cabbage for New Year's Day. Hubby and daughter came home a couple of days before New Year's Day, I came back a couple days after. So peaceful and relaxing!
I didn't realize how badly I needed the downtime.
Christmas was great, too! We had no drama.
Now, I am back at work...at both jobs. My primary job at the school board office has gotten really...um, interesting? (Yeah, that's a nice way to say it.) The superintendent's executive assistant (who is 73 years old) had major back surgery in November, and won't be back at work until February at the earliest. Her day-to-day duties (such as opening the superintendent's mail, entering time and attendance data in the computer system, and typing routine correspondence) have been distributed among the central office secretarial staff, but I have volunteered to put together packets to mail to all school board members before each school board meeting, notify the area newspapers of upcoming meetings, publish and post agendas for the meetings, attend all the board meetings to take and transcribe the minutes, and attend the school administrator meetings for the same purpose.
I must be quite mad.
My actual duties of entering new employees into the payroll system, processing background checks, maintaining lists of substitute staff for all 13 schools in the parish, and attending all discipline hearings to take minutes and mail certified notices after each one, are really not getting done in a timely manner. But, both of my supervisor's are aware of my workload, which helps. But, I feel that by demonstrating my willingness and ability to perform the duties of the executive assistant, I will be giving myself an edge when she actually does retire. And she's 73! She is certainly entitled to retire any time now!
Stress? Oh, yeah, baby. You better believe it. I've come to realize that I actually THRIVE on it
Maybe my hubby's right...I'm definitely a Type-A personality.
Catch you later....
I didn't realize how badly I needed the downtime.
Christmas was great, too! We had no drama.
Now, I am back at work...at both jobs. My primary job at the school board office has gotten really...um, interesting? (Yeah, that's a nice way to say it.) The superintendent's executive assistant (who is 73 years old) had major back surgery in November, and won't be back at work until February at the earliest. Her day-to-day duties (such as opening the superintendent's mail, entering time and attendance data in the computer system, and typing routine correspondence) have been distributed among the central office secretarial staff, but I have volunteered to put together packets to mail to all school board members before each school board meeting, notify the area newspapers of upcoming meetings, publish and post agendas for the meetings, attend all the board meetings to take and transcribe the minutes, and attend the school administrator meetings for the same purpose.
I must be quite mad.
My actual duties of entering new employees into the payroll system, processing background checks, maintaining lists of substitute staff for all 13 schools in the parish, and attending all discipline hearings to take minutes and mail certified notices after each one, are really not getting done in a timely manner. But, both of my supervisor's are aware of my workload, which helps. But, I feel that by demonstrating my willingness and ability to perform the duties of the executive assistant, I will be giving myself an edge when she actually does retire. And she's 73! She is certainly entitled to retire any time now!
Stress? Oh, yeah, baby. You better believe it. I've come to realize that I actually THRIVE on it
Maybe my hubby's right...I'm definitely a Type-A personality.
Catch you later....
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